Writing Your Own Filters

Although the Filters library comes with lots of built-in filters, oftentimes it is useful to be able to write your own.

There are three ways that you can create new filters:

  • Macros
  • Partials
  • Custom Filters


If you find yourself using a particular filter chain over and over, you can create a macro to save yourself some typing.

To create a macro, define a function that returns a filter chain, then decorate it with the filters.filter_macro decorator:

import filters as f

def String(allowed_types=None):
  return f.Type(allowed_types or str) | f.Unicode | f.Strip

You can now use your filter macro just like any other filter:

runner = f.FilterRunner(String | f.Required, '   Hello, world!    ')
assert runner.is_valid() is True
assert runner.cleaned_data == 'Hello, world!'


A partial is a special kind of macro. Instead of returning a filter chain, it returns a single filter, but with different configuration values.

Here’s an example of a partial that can be used to validate datetimes from New Zealand, convert to UTC, and strip tzinfo from the result:

import filters as f

# Create a partial for ``f.Datetime(timezone=13, naive=True)``.
NZ_Datetime = f.filter_macro(f.Datetime, timezone=13, naive=True)

Just like with macros, you can use a partial anywhere you can use a regular filter:

from datetime import datetime

runner = f.FilterRunner(NZ_Datetime | f.Required, '2016-12-11 15:00:00')
assert runner.is_valid() is True
assert runner.cleaned_data == datetime(2016, 12, 11, 2, 0, 0, tzinfo=None)

Additionally, partials act just like functools.partial() objects; you can invoke them with different parameters if you want:

from pytz import utc

# Override the ``naive`` parameter for the ``NZ_Datetime`` partial.
filter_ = NZ_Datetime(naive=False) | f.Required

runner = f.FilterRunner(filter_, '2016-12-11 15:00:00')
assert runner.is_valid() is True
assert runner.cleaned_data == datetime(2016, 12, 11, 2, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)

Custom Filters

Sometimes you just can’t get what you want by assembling existing filters, and you need to write your own.

To create a new filter, write a class that extends filters.BaseFilter and implement the _apply method:

import filters as f

class Pkcs7Pad(f.BaseFilter):
  block_size = 16

  def _apply(self, value):
     extra_bytes = self.block_size - (len(value) % self.block_size)
     return value + bytes([extra_bytes] * extra_bytes)


To implement validation in your filter, add the following:

  • Define a unique code for each validation error.
  • Define an error message template for each validation error.
  • Add the logic to the filter’s _apply method.

Here’s the Pkcs7Pad filter with a little bit of validation logic:

import filters as f

class Pkcs7Pad(f.BaseFilter):
  CODE_INVALID_TYPE = 'invalid_type'

  templates = {
    CODE_INVALID_TYPE = 'Binary string required.',

  block_size = 16

  def _apply(self, value):
     if not isinstance(value, bytes):
       return self._invalid_value(value, self.CODE_INVALID_TYPE)

     extra_bytes = self.block_size - (len(value) % self.block_size)
     return value + bytes([extra_bytes] * extra_bytes)

Invoking Other Filters

You can also invoke other filters in your custom filters by calling the self._filter method.

For example, we can simplify the implementation of Pkcs7Pad by incorporating the filters.ByteString filter:

import filters as f

class Pkcs7Pad(f.BaseFilter):
  block_size = 16

  def _apply(self, value):
     # The incoming value must be a byte string.
     value = self._filter(value, f.Type(bytes))
     if self._has_errors:
         return None

     extra_bytes = self.block_size - (len(value) % self.block_size)
     return value + bytes([extra_bytes] * extra_bytes)


self._filter will not raise an exception if the value is invalid; your filter must check self._has_errors after calling self._filter(...)!

Unit Tests

To help you unit test your custom filters, the Filters library provides a helper class called filters.test.BaseFilterTestCase.

This class defines two methods that you can use to test your filter:

  • assertFilterPasses: Given an input value, asserts that the filter returns an expected value when applied.
  • assertFilterErrors: Given an input value, asserts that the filter generates the expected filter error messages when applied.

Here’s a starter test case for Pkcs7Pad:

import filters as f
from filters.test import BaseFilterTestCase

class Pkcs7PadTestCase(BaseFilterTestCase):
    # Specify your filter as ``filter_type``.
    filter_type = Pkcs7Pad

    def test_pass_none(self):
        """``None`` always passes this filter."""

    def test_pass_padding(self):
        """Padding a value to the correct length."""
        # Use ``self.assertFilterPasses`` to check the result of filtering a
        # valid value.
            # If this is the input...
            b'Hello, world!',
            # ... this is the expected result.
            b'Hello, world!\x03\x03\x03'

    def test_fail_wrong_type(self):
        """The incoming value is not a byte string."""
        # Use ``self.assertFilterErrors`` to check the errors from filtering
        # an invalid value.
            # If this is the input...
            'Hello, world!',
            # ... these are the expected filter errors.

Registering Your Filters (Optional)

Once you’ve packaged up your filters, you can register them with the Extensions framework to add them to the (nearly) top-level filters.ext namespace.

This is an optional step; it may make your filters easier to use, though there are some trade-offs.

See Extending the Filters Namespace for more information.